INSPIRE project puts together 8 partners with the ambition of creating and testing new methodologies and initiatives for the promotion of the Olympic philosophy at school.
The partnership is designed to foster interaction between Education, Community Sport and Youth Associations across Europe in order to establish more inclusive and cohesive networks of community stakeholders in the promotion of the Olympic values.
The School is located on the eastern suburb of the city of Naples, in the district of Ponticelli which is a high density housing area and is made up of a complex school population from the social, economic and professional point of view.
As a consequence of what has been described, the school tries to calibrate the potential of each educational opportunity to guarantee social equality and to respond to the needs of everyone, trying to limit the phenomena of failure and of low self-esteem.
The planning and organization tend to:
• Create a welcoming and supportive environment;
• Promote the active participation of all students in the learning process;
• Focus the intervention on the class according to the pupil’s needs;
• Promote the acquisition of collaborative skills;
• Develop inclusive practices through a closer collaboration between all the components of the educating community.
The main objective is the reduction of barriers that limit learning and social participation through the use of facilitators and the analysis of contextual factors, both environmental and personal. Most projects are in collaboration with local NGOs and are addressed at both students and their families.

Edu Lab is an association founded in 2014 by a group of volunteers active for years in the Vesuvius area and involved in the issues of education and social inclusion of vulnerable groups. Its purpose is the development, promotion and implementation of projects of social solidarity, in particular the realization of cultural and socio educational initiatives.
EDU Lab team is made up of several professional figures:
– project managers and coordinators of several regional, national and European pilot initiatives
– experts in the promotion, development and implementation of projects of social solidarity, in particular the realization of cultural and socio educational initiatives
– sport trainers of the Italian Federation of Athletics (FIDAL)
– psychologists and psychotherapists for supporting the educators in their work with children and young people
The Association is currently involved in many Erasmus+ projects focused on important issues such as environment, active citizenship, inclusion and personal development through sport.
Moreover, EDU Lab is active member of a network of social actors in the area of Naples with the intent of using for social purposes an important building of the town, Villa Fernandes, which is also the name of this network.
Scoala Gimnaziala Centrala, municipiul Campina, is a state school which combines modern features with tradition. The school was founded almost 100 years ago, so it has a long tradition in the town. The students are from 6 years old to 10 (Primary school) and from 10 to 14 (secondary school).
The activity of physical education and sport carried out at school level is seen as a basic part of the process of educating the young generation, shaping the pupils’ personality.
The system of forms of organizing the activity of physical education and sport takes place in the school day and outside the curriculum. The moment of physical education, called the moment of revival or “minute” of physical education, is carried out whenever necessary in lessons from other educational subjects. It consists of 2-3 simple exercises meant to activate some functions, eliminate the state of intellectual fatigue and prevent the installation of deficient physical attitudes. In the school the sporting circle is organized, having a proper sports base. It aims at finding, selecting, training and promoting children in the beginners’ groups of sports school clubs.
The school has two basketball, one girls and one boys team, guided by the school’s physical education teachers. They have participated in many national sports competitions where they have achieved remarkable results, such as the Men’s Basketball Olympics, the Muscel Cup at the Basketball, the Women’s Basketball School Sports Olympics.

Zamolxes Foundation is a NGO active in the field of youth work. Its mission is to support the youngsters in their own personal development process. The Foundation values are young vision, open mentality, global concept and punctual action.
Through its projects Zamolxes promotes tolerance, solidarity, communication and cooperation between different cultures. Since 1996 they developed projects for youngsters within mobility, training, culture, education, sport, social work and environmental protection fields. Also in 2007 they founded a Youth Cultural Center where they organize workshops (theatre, dance, fine arts, music, literature, history of civilisation, film and photography).
The organization’s main guiding principles are incorporated in the context of their designed full range of activities with 5 main fields of focus, namely Art & Culture, Environment protection, Education and Training, Sport-Outdoor training and volunteering.
Zamolxes Foundation developed activities and projects within these five fields together with its young volunteers nurturing a strong belief that this wide range of activities will enable their participants with the necessary tools to better engage with the world in which they live in as well as help them better understand their individual selves.
Zamolxes-Foundation is especially concerned and tries to target the section of youth with lesser opportunities for such a development.
Võnnu Secondary School, with its building completed in February 1990, is situated in Võnnu borough.
It is located in South Estonia, 24 kilometres from Tartu which is the second largest city in Estonia.
There are primary and secondary classes in the school which offers long-day classes as well as possibility to receive speech therapy assistance and tuitional improvement groups.
The school is also experienced in taking part in the international projects.
Its students have actively participated in county Olympiads in different subjects. However, the most outstanding results have been received in Biology and Geography with its magnificent first places.
Students have successfully performed at a state level Olympiads, too. Moreover, there have been several successful appearances in different kinds of essay competitions. Students have deserved a lot of acknowledgement and earned a great amount of recognition in national contests.
Võnnu Secondary School has also a great tradition at doing sports.
Teaching in the school is based on four fundamental values: Tolerance, Cooperation, Healthy Lifestyle, Cultural Identity and they are used to use Sport to convey these values.
In Võnnu School, Sport is a part of everyday school life. It is a member of the Inviting Schools Network. Every season there are high school sports days. In addition, there have been two modernized sports events of the Olympic Games.
Students of Võnnu School have participated and been successful in both, county and national competitions.

Colégio São José de Bairros is a private school from kindergarden until elementary school. It is located in Lousada, one of the youngest towns in Europe, in terms of population.
The school offers its students Music courses, Yoga, Karate, Tennis, Ballet, Sports, Football and Arts.
Although Lousada is only about 50 km away from Oporto, this is a semi-rural area with a few industries and small commerce. Taking part in international projects is a wonderful opportunity for students to enlarge their views of Europe.
Lousada has a sports park that is considered one of the best in Europe. This sports complex offers young people the opportunity to practice various sports, such as tennis, field hockey, soccer, athletics, among others. Thanks to this, the school bets on the sport, its students participate in several sporting events during the year. It holds talks with professionals from various sports areas, such as football players and high-level athletes; it promotes sport as a healthy way of life, as an integration and as a form of physical, psychic and social development of students.
Colégio S. José de Bairros has a high expertise on the design and presentation of learning resources: the classes and workshops they conduct represent effective techniques to help overcome social and cultural barriers and build key competences among its students and the marginalised young communities.
Proportional Message is an Association that supports people with disadvantage backgrounds through the development of humanistic education values. It develops education and training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences and lectures aimed at improving the level of key competences and skills of marginalized people, in order to promote their social inclusion. Target groups are migrants, refugees, marginalised children, adolescents, adults and families, as well people with disabilities.
In order to achieve its goals, Proportional Message provides a wide range of services in the following areas:
1. Education and training activities for professional development of educators on work-based and informal learning.
2. Education and training activities for people with disadvantage backgrounds.
3. Non-formal education activities for the promotion of social inclusion.
4. Information and mediation service for people with disabilities that provide to disabled people and their families, accessible, personalized, comprehensive and integrated information, on the rights, benefits and resources.
5. Capacity building workshops for refugees and migrants on integration, human values, gender equality, diversity, language, history and sport.
Proportional Message has a serious team of facilitators, trainers and educators with a long career in schools, educational services and adult education.
Our projects are about topics connected to contemporary issues such as: cultural diversity, critical thinking and creativity, entrepreneurship, smart economic and social development and language, digital skills, health and sports, tolerance and European awareness.

The 3rd Gymnasio of Larissa (High School) is a secondary school with students aged 12 to 15.
The school lies on the edge of the city, in a low-density area, near the Diachronic Museum and the municipal Gallery. Its students come from a diverse social national and religious background, the average of a house income is a medium or a lower one, especially after the last decade’s economic crisis that the country is still facing.
The school hosts evening classes for children from Syria and we believe that making our students aware of the new situation/reality and of the ways they can accept it, will help us all to build a peaceful community in the future.
For some of students it is difficult to turn the theoretical context into practical skills and that’s why the school staff needs to introduce informal education methods into regular classes.
Through the subject of Physical education, students learnhow to overcome obstacles and to cooperate to achieve personal aims and contribute to a team’s success. They are taught both in theory and practise to stand against discrimination and fight for their values. The school has a football, a volleyball and a basketball team who participate in local school tournaments promoting the Olympic values.
In Greece, the first Monday of October is dedicated to the promotion of the Olympic values at schools and therefore many sports activities are organized in each school.
Every year students and teachers from our school participate in a nationwide running event organised by the SEGAS (Hellenic Athletics Federation) in cooperation with the municipalities around Greece. It is a combination between sports and culture and its main aim is to motivate people in outdoor activities and friendship.