Olympism at School Programme

Pilot Activities

If the first year of the project was devoted to the creation of the “Olympism at School” guide, in the second year teachers were in charge of implementing the “Olympism at School” programme with their students. These pilot activities has been an opportunity for them to experiment what previously created and make the necessary changes for obtaining a better final output.

Using the context of Olympic sports, participants were taught skills and strategies that will help them to assume the responsibilities of global citizenship and civic literacy.

Participants listened to Olympic stories, watched videos and then had the opportunity to deepen their experiences and understanding through a series of manual activities.

Furthermore, several sports exercises have been used in non-formal education: the combination of sport and learning provides an excellent opportunity to learn through activities that are very enjoyable, highly emotional and based on active participation and involvement. It brings people very close and it is a very natural way of learning.

The sport has also been used as a tool of social inclusion, focusing on including youngsters with fewer opportunities (discrimination, low standard of living, learning difficulties, …): sport can have an aggregative and integrative function and can give to the students the opportunity of discovering their best side and their hidden qualities.